
The Diva herself, Arianna Zukerman

About myDiva


What do you get when you put a technology geek, a Washington lobbyist, a sports marketer and a world-renowned opera singer together in a room with a case of wine? 


An empty case of wine and the kernel of an idea for a really fun iPhone application, that’s what! Well, we all sobered up and still thought it was a great idea, and so was born myDiva! 


Find out more about Arianna Zukerman, the voice (and inspiration) behind myDiva at

Add your name to her mailing list to come hear her at a concert hall or opera stage near you.

You can purchase the myDiva iPhone app at the Apple App Store.  You can follow the Diva on Twitter, on her Facebook Fan Page and her MySpace Fan Page.  Also, be sure to check out the myDiva YouTube Channel!

                                                                                              Arianna Zukerman, Pictured Above ( © Peter Bussian)